Success Stories
Kyle HinesAfter suffering a complete tear of my right rotator cuff and biceps tendon, I gained a significant amount of weight. Once I recovered, I decided to train for a powerlifting competition, but I knew I needed to lose the fat while maintaining all of my muscle and strength to be competitive—a challenging task at 45 years old. That’s when I reached out to Nancy Adler for professional guidance.
As a lifelong athlete, I thought I had a solid understanding of nutrition, but Nancy's expertise took my performance to the next level. She provided a well-balanced meal plan that wasn’t overly restrictive, and she guided me on meal timing and custom-tailored supplements to meet my specific needs. Nancy meticulously reviewed my diet log, offering strategic tweaks that helped me break through stubborn weight loss plateaus. She was always positive and motivating, yet empathetic to the occasional setbacks. Thanks to Nancy’s support, I successfully dropped from 230 pounds to 210, gained muscle, and maintained 100% of my strength. I feel fantastic, I am strong, and I’m ready to compete at my best. Thank you, Nancy, for your invaluable assistance. |
Shawn MontgomeryNancy Adler, along with my wife, helped to change my health in about less than six months, losing over 105 pounds through diet and exercise in a safe, sustainable way. The before photo wasn’t even at my highest weight. I would not let myself get any pictures except for my face, as I was embarrassed of myself. After making some changes, I want full-length photos!
I tried all kinds of ways to lose weight; a lot worked, but I couldn’t live the rest of my life with the plan I followed then. Through the support of my wife prepping and cooking my meals, and having willpower, I achieved real results! With Nancy’s guidance from someone who has been doing this as a professional for 27 years, Nancy Adler, nutritionist, my great friend Shani Kovacevic was the one that recommended me to Nancy, and now I am another successful client of Nancy Adler Nutrition. I’m a realistic person. Pictures don't lie! If it’s time for you to make some changes and want to feel better, have great bloodwork results, and extend your life so you feel younger and have more energy in every way, I highly recommend Nancy Adler Nutrition! |
Sherri RaschMy journey with Nancy began way back in 1999, and it's been quite a ride. I stuck with her program through most of my adult life, but then life threw a curveball at me. In 2021, I was diagnosed with stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer, and that hit me like a punch in the gut. Over the course of a year, I underwent chemo, radiation, and immunotherapy. However, these treatments took a toll on my health, and I developed hypothyroidism, which caused me to gain about 30 pounds. That was the heaviest I had ever been, and I knew I needed to take action.
I was at a crossroads, considering different options like Weight Watchers, Noom, or consulting another nutritionist. But then it hit me – I needed to reach out to Nancy Adler. I had achieved results with her guidance before, so why not give it another shot? I knew that Nancy's approach worked, and I needed someone to keep me accountable. On November 23, 2022, when I met with Nancy, we set a plan in motion. My second journey began on November 30, 2022. I won't sugarcoat it; it wasn't easy, but a little discipline can go a long way. I experienced more ups than downs during this journey. Nancy's knowledge about food, what to eat, when to eat, and how to combine foods is truly remarkable. It's something you don't often think about, but following her plan delivers results. After losing an impressive 40 pounds, I transitioned into the maintenance phase. Nancy gave me a 3-5 pound buffer but cautioned me not to exceed my goal weight. It's not a walk in the park, but it teaches you that you can lose weight and, more importantly, keep it off. I'm grateful to Nancy not just for helping me shed those extra pounds but, most importantly, for helping me feel good about myself and embrace who I truly am! |
Kristen Hagaman
It’s amazing how much nutrition really does play a huge role in overall health. Two and a half months ago, I decided to make a change. I was tired of feeling like crap all the time and decided I was done! My best friend had been seeing Nancy for several months with astonishing results, and I contemplated back and forth about making an appointment.
I had to do something; I was tired all of the time and not happy with my current eating habits, and I was ready to commit to changing my ways. I’m not a typical case as I’ve had some major health issues. I had my entire colon (large intestine) removed 8 years ago. For the most part, I live a normal life as I was able to have surgery to have a reversal done that now has my small intestine doing all the work.
When I first met with Nancy, she was completely honest with me about not having worked with many clients such as myself who had the surgery that I had. She was confident and knowledgeable and assured me that I could lose weight and get healthy; it just might take a little more time. Well, she was right! We are doing this, and it’s working! My gut feels the best it has in years; I no longer have terrible reflux issues, and I don’t feel sick!
So today I had a follow-up with my general practitioner (last seen in January), and to say that she is amazed at my progress and overall well-being is an understatement! Bloodwork is better than perfect, weight loss, and blood pressure is the best it’s been in well over 2 years! We must be doing something right!
Thank you, Nancy, from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I have life back because of you! You’re such an inspiration, and I’m honored to be working with you.
I had to do something; I was tired all of the time and not happy with my current eating habits, and I was ready to commit to changing my ways. I’m not a typical case as I’ve had some major health issues. I had my entire colon (large intestine) removed 8 years ago. For the most part, I live a normal life as I was able to have surgery to have a reversal done that now has my small intestine doing all the work.
When I first met with Nancy, she was completely honest with me about not having worked with many clients such as myself who had the surgery that I had. She was confident and knowledgeable and assured me that I could lose weight and get healthy; it just might take a little more time. Well, she was right! We are doing this, and it’s working! My gut feels the best it has in years; I no longer have terrible reflux issues, and I don’t feel sick!
So today I had a follow-up with my general practitioner (last seen in January), and to say that she is amazed at my progress and overall well-being is an understatement! Bloodwork is better than perfect, weight loss, and blood pressure is the best it’s been in well over 2 years! We must be doing something right!
Thank you, Nancy, from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I have life back because of you! You’re such an inspiration, and I’m honored to be working with you.
Megan ElbanaIt is amazing what you can do in a year (well, 10 months to be exact!).
While sitting with a friend one morning having coffee, she turned around a copy of Shore Local she was skimming through and with her finger on Nancy’s advertisement said “Well Meg, you haven’t called this one yet…” Year after year, diet after diet, doctor after doctor, dietician after dietician, and thousands of dollars later, I knew Nancy was my absolute LAST chance before donating an entire closet full of beautiful dresses and accepting life as it was. I, like many others, have struggled with managing my weight for as long as I can remember. I exercised, ate whole grains, organic, whole foods, and vegetables, yet would gain weight breathing air! My Weight Watchers success in my 20s wasn’t cutting it this time around. My first conversation with Nancy was short and to the point. Can you help me or not? I tell people what to do every day, I needed someone to tell me what to eat and when to eat it. She did not hesitate, and we began the journey. My goal was never a number, but rather a red dress and the desire to live a healthier life. I went into my journey with the attitude of “all or nothing”. Failure was not an option. There were no “cheat days” or “falling off the wagon”. The foods on the program were foods I was used to eating, so following the program came easily to me. Nancy provided the rules (don’t eat salmon and yogurt on the same day!) and I put in the work. Nancy’s program is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. It is a program based on balanced eating, nutritional education for healthier choices, and pre-planning. Go back to the basics. She has never told me I could not have that glass of wine or go out for dinner, rather it was a give and take…mainly with the scale. What did I want? Since beginning with Nancy in February, I have met and changed my goal 3 times. My biggest challenge now will be allowing my mind to catch up to the changes I have made. To see me as I am now, not 10 months ago. Nancy also offers Metabolic Testing, which I highly recommend. If I would not have changed my goal, based on my testing results I would have been right on target to meet the initial goal by October. By the end of this year, I will have reached my final goal, losing a total of 74 lbs. I am down 4 pant sizes, my cholesterol is within an acceptable range, my blood pressure is down, and I can fit into my closet again. I am starting 2023 as a new person! |
Alice GordilloI wanted to share my weight loss journey with everyone. I’ve been through a lot this last year healthwise. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and my sugar was out of control. I had Covid in December 2020, and it almost killed me. I came out of it with severe hair loss, Covid fingers, Covid pneumonia. I was referred to a wonderful nutritionist, Nancy Adler, who turned my life around. No magic pills or special shakes or food. Just clean eating limited my carb intake and gave up sugar. With her guidance, I am now down to a size 5 from 14, and Diabetes is NO LONGER a part of my life. I actually forgot what it felt like to feel healthy. Thank you, Nancy! You are amazing!
Jeffrey BroccoAfter being diagnosed with diabetes in December 2018, my family physician strongly suggested that I contact a nutritionist. Standing 5’ 5” but weighing just under 200 lbs., I felt horrible. My A1C was measured at 6.9.
Having recently relocated to the Jersey Shore as a full-time resident, I had no knowledge of healthcare professionals in the area since all my doctors are in Philadelphia. By chance, I came across an article written by Nancy Adler in our local newspaper that described the harm sugars do to one’s body. I decided to give her a call and set up an appointment. During my first visit with Nancy, I was awfully skeptical of the meal plan that she provided. I felt that I would never get enough to eat. How was I going to give up pasta and bread; let alone drink 64 oz. of water a day? I didn’t like drinking water. Determined to live a better, and longer, life, I took Nancy’s suggestions and rigorously followed her plan. My weekly nutrition sessions with Nancy help me stay on track. Keeping a daily food journal has been essential in helping my wife, and I identify the areas we needed to focus on. With Nancy’s guidance, I was able to shed the pounds I needed carefully, and wanted, to lose. In just a little over four months, I’ve lost 30 lbs., and have shed 4 belt sizes. My A1C has amazingly lowered to 4.9! My liver AST and ALT enzyme levels are also noticeably within normal ranges. Living and eating with diabetes is a challenge that I’ll have to face for the rest of my life. Thanks to Nancy Adler’s counsel and guidance, I view my diet as a new and rewarding way of life. Oh boy, am I happy I read that article! |
Amy PitaleI came across a post of Nancy’s through a mutual friend's post on facebook. I read up on her bio, testimonials and knew I needed to see her. I suffer from two autoimmune diseases, and I was tired of being tired! I would get home from work and would HAVE to lie down.
I started working with Nancy May 2018, and by January 2019 I have lost 50 pounds. Not only that, I have the energy like I did 25 years ago. I’ve learned not only what to eat but HOW to eat! I’m forever grateful for stumbling across that Facebook post on a Monday morning. I finally feel good in my own skin |
Kathy KerstetterFor the past couple of years, my weight was climbing despite my efforts to lose or control the gain. I had lost weight before with popular balanced programs, but could not seem to stick to the principals I thought I knew so well.
From my very first visit to Nancy, I realized I didn’t know the principals as well as I thought. I have learned so much from her in regards to food. Just to mention a few, carbs are not your enemy; they just can’t be abused. Not all vegetables are created equal. Tracking is so essential because you never realize how many nibbles you take when you hang around the kitchen. The right protein is your best friend. I started seeing results immediately and have not stopped seeing them. Nancy’s program is food plain and simple!!! No gimmicks no magic just monitoring and controlling your eating. You don’t feel hungry because your body is receiving balanced nutrition. You can still find something to eat in social situations because the program is based on real food! Since I have been on other balanced diet plans, I was skeptical, and I thought sure I know I will lose weight, but will I be able to keep it off. Well here is where Nancy’s program was different for me. The regular accountability, I am not talking about the scale or the weigh-ins. I am talking about nutritional counseling. Over the past ten months, I have lost 34 pounds. As I proceeded through the program, there were weeks where my weight crept up a bit. This is where Nancy will discuss your week with you. She will have you think back to identify your choices that led to the weight gain. This is key! It’s all about choices and learning what impact they have on my progress. Even if I didn’t gain weight, but my food journal reflected a concern she would break it down, and we would talk about it. The importance of following her guidelines for certain foods only three times per week. I love it when I find products I want to get her input on. I email her a photo of the label, and she gives me advice. She is the real deal. Of all of the parts of her program, it is the coaching and education that has driven my success. I thought I was knowledgeable about how to successfully lose weight. But I have learned more than I ever thought I knew. Thank you Nancy Adler!! |
Pam GreenAfter the picture on the left was taken I stepped on a scale at my Doctor's office and saw 228 pounds! I was devastated, and knew I had to make changes. I struggled until July of last year only managing to lose 7 pounds. I called Nancy and set my first appointment She listened and actually gave me a couple "Ah ha moments", and a plan for eating that made so much sense. At first it was difficult, but seeing her weekly kept me accountable. Keeping a journal, shopping and planning became good habits. My journey isn't over, but I feel amazing. I joined a gym and hired a trainer who I work with 3 times a week. Becoming stronger and more balanced is so rewarding. Thank you Nancy!
See Pam's Before and After Pictures |
Daren PeroneNancy Adler changed my life. From the moment I called her to make that very first appointment, she congratulated me and said you're on your way to success, because by making that call in itself is a big accomplishment. Wow…talk about motivating me before I even met her in person! Nancy's professional nutritional plan not only works well, but the relationship we have developed makes me look forward to seeing her every week. She's always on the cutting edge with new information, tweaking my schedule to change the pace, and even giving great advice that even a Doctor can't suggest! I'm in the best shape of my life and don't intend on stopping now, and Nancy has changed my attitude and mindset like I haven't felt in a long time. Her personal attention to each and every client she has is unparalleled in her profession. I know, because every person I've referred to her feels the same way…and we all intend on continuing to use her services until she has to throw us out!
Nancy Adler has changed a lot of lives! My friends and I are living proof. See Daren's Before and After Pictures |
John DeAnnuntisI have dieted all of my life. Sometimes with little results, and sometimes with none. But it wasn’t for any lack of effort. What works for some, does not work for all. I tried everything that was out there, Weight Watchers®, low-carb, no-carb, 7-day diets, the list goes on. I was never happy with my weight and really wanted to lose the extra pounds. In February 2013, I weighed 306 lbs., the most I’ve ever weighed. I was enjoying eating without limitations, and I ate everything and anything, but I felt terrible. I knew I had to do something, but what?
For starters, I rejoined the gym, and it was there I found Nancy’s brochure. Naturally, given my history, I was very skeptical, but I investigated. Mostly reading testimonials and asking around. I hoped this was the answer, and it has turned out to be the best move of my life. To date I've lost 113 lbs. In 17 months. It's been an absolute life changing experience. I am full of energy and feel amazing! There's nothing I want to eat, as much as I love to, that would change the way I feel now!! Nancy's plan, along with her guidance and knowledge, has helped me achieve my goal. I recommend this to anyone who is serious about succeeding. All it takes is a strong desire to want to do it. My next goal is to keep it off, and with Nancy’s help, I am confident that I'll succeed with that as well. In life, you can do anything you want, if you want it bad enough!! See John's Before and After Pictures |
Rocco TabassoEver since I can remember I have always been a big kid. Growing up I played football as an offensive lineman. There was no worry for me being as big as I was. Playing football was very important to me, and I loved the game, so why worry about my weight? Being a lineman, you have to be heavy. Ever since my freshman year in high school to March 2013, I would lift weights and eat as much as I wanted. I had no clue what nutrition actually was, and didn't know changing your diet and regularly exercising could do so much for my health. I stopped playing football in 2011 and still worked out, but not to the extent of where I could lose any weight. Finally, after seeing my mom take on Nancy to help with her well-being, I decided to do the same thing. April 8, 2013, I started my journey with Nancy weighing 266 pounds. Just under a year, I have lost about 70 pounds and haven't felt this great in my life. I wouldn't change my football life for anything. Seeing where nutrition and fitness have taken me, I hope to stick with it the rest of my life. I am even now currently trying to become a Certified Fitness Trainer and hope to change the lives of others.
Remember it's not just a diet plan, it's a lifestyle. A lifestyle that will change you inside and out! See Rocco's Before and After Pictures |
Lauren Powell
I've always been over weight, but at 29 years old and 217 lbs, I decided enough was enough. I did not want to begin my 30's in such rough shape. With a recommendation from my father who knew one of Nancy's clients and saw how much success this client had with her, I scheduled my first appointment on August 9, 2012.
By my second appointment I had lost 10 lbs and was feeling confident that Nancy's program was going to work for me. By April 2013, I had surpassed my personal goal in weight and pants size. I was feeling happy and healthy and thinking "this is enough. I'm good enough" but with Nancy's encouragement and WEEKLY appointments, I continued to put effort into bettering myself. I ran my first 5k in June 2013. Almost one year and 60 lbs. lighter, I continue to see her. It's a constant reminder that this isn't a diet, but that this is how things need to be for me from here on out. And I'm OK with that. Thanks Nancy! I'll try to have that food journal for next week :) See Lauren's Before and After Pictures |
Sally DePamphilisFor My Girl…Nancy Adler
After being in a car accident in 1997, I had completely stopped working out except for the “token bike path walking” whenever the weather suited me. I had been on every diet there was, with totally no loyalty whatsoever. I have hypothyroidism and absolutely no energy whatsoever so I had every excuse and no excuse to start working out. Last December 2011 at over 200 lbs. I started CrossFit Training. Of course being so heavy and doing such an excruciating workout, I tore my meniscus and consequently had to have surgery to repair it. So back on the couch again I go, another excuse. So now I am totally convinced that there is no one on this earth that can help me – I know it!...So what’s the use?..Boom!..I’m done! But one morning, I happened to be listening to the Barbara Altman Show on the radio and her guest that morning was Nancy Adler. Nancy was explaining that particular morning, that when people are very heavy, they join a gym, work themselves to death, get hurt, and then quit. Nancy told the listening audience that you should FIRST start losing the weight and then start working out so you don’t injure yourself. Was she talking about me?...Yes she was!..She was talking about me TO me! I listened to her for a couple of weeks and I became so interested in everything she was saying that I followed her fabulous healthy information on Facebook, read her website, looked forward to her informative articles in many magazines, and then I finally picked up the phone to call her and make my first appointment. It was love at first sight!...I loved her AND her healthy, nutritious weight loss plan. I will not call it a diet. I started making healthy and better choices about what I was putting in my body now through Nancy’s guidance and expertise. I have lost a total of 66 lbs. and I have more energy than my grandchildren! Not only has Nancy helped me lose weight but she also helped me train for a little goal I had coveted for over a year. I participated in my first relay race (running and biking) from Cape May to Margate (46 miles) this past February 2013 called “Cape II Gate”. Now I have people asking me to join them in running other races. Never imagined I could OR would ever be able to do such a thing! I am having a ball with my new life! Every compliment I get, I immediately start singing Nancy’s praises. If I can do this, ANYONE can! Thanks, Nancy! xoxo See Sally's Before and After Photos |
Ann Sullivan
When I first went to see Nancy I didn’t have much faith. I thought it was just another diet. I did what she told me to and lost a couple pounds. Then I started sleeping better, and my schedule changed. I ate all day long, I never felt deprived of anything. I have never felt better in my life. My blood pressure is down, my asthma is under control without medication, and my kidney function is back to normal. I would have never been able to accomplish my goal of weight loss without Nancy. I can now run a 5K and have set my sights higher thanks to Nancy. She is very supportive and caring. My journey began as a diet Nancy taught me how to stop dieting and live healthy.
See Ann's Before and After Photos |
Ed Hitzel
Nancy is able to help your mind as well as your body when it comes to losing weight. My eating lifestyle has changed forever because of her.
I became a client of Nancy Adler because a doctor told me it was time to lose weight, or else. I brought my determination and she added her expertise. The result: a 60 pound weight loss. Nancy is detailed, encouraging and combines a firmness and a gentleness when she gives advice and guidance. She also understands nutrition and customizes her efforts for each client. I cannot recommend her enough. My life has changed forever because I chose to make that first visit. See Ed's Before and After Photos |
Connor Bender, Age 9
I first came to see Nancy because my mom had a hard time finding school pants that fit me. I needed and wanted to lose some weight.
I went to Nancy weekly and we talked about the right and wrong things to eat, she checked my weight to see how much I lost and told me what a good job I did. I have lost weight and still get to eat a lot of the stuff I like. I will always try to eat healthier because Nancy taught me how to make better choices. Even though her choice of a football team is bad. So far I’ve lost 31.5 pounds. I feel better, I can run a lot faster and my mom can find me pants a lot easier. See Connor's Before and After Photos |
Marie Arleth
On March 7, 2003, I walked into Nancy’s office with the help of a cane. I was in very poor health. I’d had 3 surgeries in four years and had a long list of physical problems. At the time, I was seeing more doctors and specialists that I can name and things just weren’t getting any better for me. Of course they all told me that I had a great deal of weight to lose and one doctor even had the script written for me to have bariatric bypass surgery. I knew that I did not want another surgery so I began to see a trainer at our local gym and a few weeks later, had my first visit with Nancy. That day has made all the difference in the quality of my life. Nancy showed me how to begin a healthy and sensible eating style. Every week was a strong dose of encouragement and motivation for me. I managed to lose over a hundred pounds and I’m still maintaining that weight loss.
Sure, I’ve had my ups and downs on the program as must be expected but she is always there to get me up and running again. Since that day in March, I have retired from a long teaching career and my husband and I have begun to travel all over the world together — trips that I never dreamed could be part of my future. Nancy really gave me hope and confidence when I needed it most and I will always be thankful for that gift. See Marie's Before and After Photos |
Carol Jorgensen
I had been to the doctors for a physical and testing. My numbers were all high and I was told that I needed to change my diet. The doctor was going to put me on a cholesterol medication, if I did not change my eating habits. I just did not want to be put on another medication. With some of the health problems I have, I told the doctor that there is not much I can eat and so I eat a lot of carbohydrates. With that statement made, the doctor gave me the name of a good nutritionist, Nancy Adler. That was in December 2004. (Dr. Laura Janes)
I started my life style change diet on December 26, 2004. It was a really rough time to start a diet, during the holidays, but I did it. I lost 70 lbs. Being fructose intolerant, Nancy helped my to find out what foods I could eat and how to deal with this problem. I never thought I could lose so much weight, but Nancy gave me the incentive to be motivated. Yes, I have my ups and down with maintaining my weight, but it is a life style choice I have made and I certainly want to maintain it. Since the weight loss, I have been taken off of two medications and another medication has been reduced from 9 pills a day down to 3 pills a day. And my numbers now are very good and the doctor is very happy too. Thank you Nancy for helping me see the light. See Carol's Before and After Photos |
Joe Gurdgiel
Hi, cannot believe it is one year today!!
Just need to tell you something, One year ago when I was forced to see you I had already knew that there was nothing anyone could do to stop the change of events that where taking place with me. To the point that I knew when and how my demise would happen. Prior to seeing you I was on the max amount of blood pressure meds and still was high, my legs had water, sleep disorder was almost every night but still eating more food and bad food in one day then I might eat in a week now. But, the moment that I met you something sparked in me that let me know that this was where I needed to be. And it was not just because you had a plan. It was you as a person, a caring person. Let’s face it I might be your best client and your worst. You know as well as I do that I did not do everything by the book!!! But you need to know that what I have learned from you has saved my life. And for that there will always be a special place in my heart for you. I’ve been wanting to tell you this for some time, it gets a little hard to say it out loud, so this works better. You are a very special person and I am better for knowing you. See Joe's Before and After Photos |
Al Sobel
I first started seeing Nancy Adler after returning from my granddaughter’s wedding on April 26, 2005. She was highly recommended by my daughter and many friends. I found Nancy to be knowledgeable, likeable and compassionate. When I first saw the list of foods I was allowed to eat and what I was not allowed to eat, I became a little skeptical but I was determined to lose some weight. Ten years before our move to New Jersey, I had a bone scan and it was determined that I had arthritis throughout my body and my blood pressure was much too high along with high sugar count. My family doctor asked me to call Nancy. Nancy put me on a four-day diet. In the 4 days, I lost 8 lbs. She urged me on and on and on until I lost 35 lbs. Nancy encouraged exercising, which I have done for many years. My blood pressure is way down along with my sugar. My medication was cut in half and my last visit to my eye specialist was great. He assured me that my cataracts were small and not to worry about them. I have completely eliminated the Tylenol, I took at least 6 pills everyday for many years. I see Nancy every 3 weeks and I have recommended several people to her. She is my personal success story. Thank you Nancy.
See Al's Before and After Photos |
Gene Fiducia
I have been overweight ever since I became president of my company because I was directed to delegate my responsibilities to others, so that I could spend more time in my office. My usual morning began with the inspection of the main manufacturing area and then the large yard where most of the products were stored for sale. The sixteen acre plant was my home away from home and my forced exercise which kept me in excellent physical shape.
I tried every diet available, which included Weight Watchers, Scarsdale Diet and a host of others, not counting those advertised and suggested by friends. None ever worked, for a short period I may have a lost a few pounds but always regained them back and more. I would use the excuse that since I am in my eighties it is normal to gain and not easy to lose weight. I was introduced to Nancy Adler, who is a certified nutrition specialist (CFT/SPN). Her program is actually very simple to follow which includes a plan for changing eating habits, eating properly and not feel hungry doing so. I started in her program on November 26, 2006 and as of today July 27 exactly eight months later I have lost a total of 41 pounds. I recommend her to all of my friends and relatives. See Gene's Before and After Photos |